Browser Requirement

Desktop Browser

This site is tested against and supports the following desktop browsers:

  • Microsoft Windows 10
    1. Google Chrome (latest stable version)
    2. Firefox (latest stable version)
    3. Microsoft Edge (latest stable version; Chromium-based only)
    4. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
  • MacOS 10.12 and newer
    1. Google Chrome (latest stable version)
    2. Safari (latest stable version)

For best results, use the latest version of Google Chrome.

Mobile Web Browser

  • Android 5 and newer
    1. Google Chrome (latest stable version)
  • iOS 10 and newer
    1. Google Chrome (latest stable version)
    2. Safari (latest stable version)

Browser Configuration

Any supported browser that you choose to use must meet the following requirements:

  • JavaScript is enabled.
  • Cookies are enabled.